
Connections from the Garden

Fostering Intimacy with Christ and Connection with others

From the beginning, we see God connected with Himself, Father, Son and Spirit, three persons, loving and relating as perfect community, working together to create all that is (Ge 1:2, 26, Jn 1:1-3,14).

God created people, both male and female, in His image, with His capacity for deep connection.  He created us to know and to be known as God Himself knows and is known.  This is God’s people sharing in His fellowship, deeply connected to God and deeply connected to one another. 

Jesus said, “Just as the Father has loved me (God’s connection in Trinity) and I have also loved you (God’s connection with His creation)……love one another (our connection with each other).” (Jn 15:9,12).  Being fully alive means sharing deep connection with God and deep connection with others.  We have all experienced the effects of sin on relationships, how it destroys them.  When people chose to disobey God (Ge 3) connection was lost, community was broken.  But, the gospel is the Good News of reconciliation and restoration.  Jesus died to restore relationship, both with God and with each other. ( Eph 2, 2 Co 5:18-19) This is God’s intent in creation: Community, God’s people, in deep connection with Himself and with each other.

Hear what others have to say

Being on the other side of Mark is being on the other side of a non-anxious, healing
presence. He simultaneously listens to the person in front of him and to God's
guidance in the conversation. At just the right time, he asks Kingdom questions
that get right at the heart of what God is inviting me into. It is a gift to have
someone so intentional and interested in my spiritual growth. Mark helps to clear
the fog around the unlimited decisions and distractions in front of me and make
space to hear what God is calling me into. He is a disciple, a director, and a friend.
Christian Swails
Entering my spiritual direction session with Mark, I honestly did not know what to
expect. Our sessions pleasantly invited me to ask questions within myself about
myself, my ministry, and God's ultimate purpose for my life. Mark directed me in
such a way where I was able to gain valuable spiritual information which helped set
me on a path to live a better Spirit-filled life.
Daren Jaime